
Feb 11, 2019 Looks like both 7of9 and the PeFa are still in “downtown”.     It is my hope that they stay in downtown.  Should be big enough for both species 🙂 ciao

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Eight Years Ago Today

In April 14, 2011, I was walking thru the Raleigh Capitol grounds when I first saw Elvis and Maddy – Raleigh’s (then) resident Red-tail hawks. This was my very first shot of the Red-tails.  Funny I was out looking for a Mockingbird and I found Red-tails that would keep me engaged for over 8 years. The…

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Teaching the kids

August 4, 2017 Elvis performed “The Art of the Dive” to show the kids how it’s done. First hover… Spot your prey… Tuck wings in… extend talons… then dive… dive… dive… this part was too fast for the camera’s AF to catch up still going… Elvis broke off pursuit.  After all, it was just a…

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Hungry Birds

July 28, 2017 The day started out with one of the parents hanging out on the antenna.  I’m not 100% sure who, but I figured it was Papa. Meanwhile, one of the kids was on the Wells, apparently waiting for breakfast. Papa hopped to the other antenna and eventually took flight.  The kid flew in…

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Kid(s) of 2017

july 21, 2017 After a long search for their nest and coming up almost empty, at least we know our resident RT’s have kids this year. Mama and Papa have been very visible in downtown lately,  At times, they would hang out at a spot for hours almost as if luring the young juveniles into…

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A Visitor at the Capitol

March 17, 2017 The last time I saw the Red-tails was 3 weeks ago at the Duke Energy Performing Arts Center.  Since then there has been not one sighting, nothing close, nothing far.  If they have a nest, Mama would be in the nest and both Papa and Mama would be swapping nest duties, but…

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Millenium Falcon

Feb 1, 2017 The resident Red-tails have not been very visible lately.  A few days of no sightings, then today, Papa came flying in over the Marriott and landed on the Red Hat building Mama soon appeared on the BB&T. Then I saw this really fast-flying bird circling around the PNC building. I thought it…

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